Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Adjusting to the new normal

As we spend time during the holidays I have a sugguestion: ...adjust to the new normal.  Every new day presents us with the opportunity of acknowledging that there is a new normal.  Examples:
1.  Your toddler advanced to underwear.  Yeah!!!!! But when you go to the store you have to take him/her to the bathroom.  Now if your child has a nice size bladder you wouln't have to go that much.  But if your child has a itty bitty bladder you will dread going to the store.
2.  You are a first time mom and you are not use breastfeeding in public.
3.  You are exhausted because you are a new mom
4.  You have three children and you started dating again.
5.  Happiness has taken over you life because you are pregnant then you lose your job because the company moved out tof the country. and you did not follow Suzie O's advise by making sure you had eight months worth of funds in a liquid account to use for bills.

The list is endless.  After the shock of  the change, adjust to it. Then make a plan for the new normal.  Many times we stay in the shock of the new normal  for so long, that we lose precious time.We enter a mist that turns into a fog over a period of time.  If you can acknowledge the the new normal and adjust to it you might not even get misty.  But if you look up and you are in the fog with with a feeling of no way out the first thing to do is to ACKNOWLEGE THE NEW NORMAL THEN ADJUST TO THE NEW NORMAL. (if that fails ask for help)

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